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104 Park Ave
Rutherford, NJ, 07070
United States


Painting on Park is a fun and innovative art studio located in Rutherford, NJ.  Come out for a night of painting and BYOB or sign up for our weekly formal instructions classes.  We have something for all ages!

FUNDRAISER - Rutherford Garden Club - Friday, January 24th

Paint + Sip

FUNDRAISER - Rutherford Garden Club - Friday, January 24th

sold out

FUNDRAISER - Rutherford Garden Club - Friday, January 24th


Friday, January 24th, 2025

6:00 - 8:00pm

Painting on Park would like to welcome the special guests who are helping raise money for the Rutherford Garden Club! We are looking forward to hosting you and having a blast!!  Thanks for letting us put a brush in your hand!

*All attendees are required to paint

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